Pipeline for Pros - Housecall Pro
Free 14-Day Trial

Win more jobs with Pipeline automations

Convert more estimates into paid jobs with time-saving, automated follow-ups.

Convenient, Flexible, Efficient

Never let a customer slip through the cracks.

Manage your Pipeline from anywhere

Whether you’re on a job site or on the road, follow up with leads, estimates, and jobs from any device.

  • Increase efficiency with our user-friendly workflow boards

  • Provide next-level customer service by using our intake form for accurate customer info every time

  • Gain exclusive access to leads and increase revenue by capturing and organizing them in one place

Activate Pipeline
Features that drive business

More than 40,000 Pros use Pipeline to win more jobs


How much does Pipeline cost? 

Basic – $25, Essentials – $50, Max – $75, Max+ $100

Will I be billed monthly or annually?

You will be billed monthly if you are on our monthly Housecall Pro plan or annually if you are on our annual plan.

Is Pipeline available on mobile?

Yes, it launched in mid-August!

How does Housecall Pro’s Pipeline tool help with lead conversion?

Simply put, Pipeline helps HVAC contractors win more business by converting more estimates into jobs. Pipeline’s workflow management board helps contractors input, track, and automate their work from lead to invoice.

Customized automations: With customizable automations, contractors can improve their lead and estimate conversions and never lose out on a potential job. Did we mention it saves a ton of time? It does.

Manage on the go: Whether on a job site or on the road, contractors can follow up with leads, estimates, and jobs from any device, including a tablet or phone, so that nothing ever slips through the cracks.

Smooth intake process: With Pipeline, you’ll streamline the entire intake process. It all starts with an intake form that makes it easy for anyone in your company to add a new lead or job, eliminating time-consuming back-and-forth communication with customers.

Pipeline can help HVAC contractors grow their revenue with time-saving automations and a streamlined intake process that allows them to provide excellent customer service from anywhere. This is business management made simple.