Plumber Marketing: 23 Plumbing Marketing Ideas to Set You Apart From The Competition - Housecall Pro
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Plumber Marketing: 23 Plumbing Marketing Ideas to Set You Apart From The Competition

Nobody has to tell you this. As a plumber who wants to grow your business and attract new customers, you know how important it is to stand out from the competition. And there’s plenty of competition!

Unfortunately, it’s often easier said than done—especially since plumbing is such a competitive field. It takes more than just good plumbing software to stand out.

Leading a team of skilled and dedicated pros is an awesome start. You also need a clever way to brand yourself and get your business out there in a big way.

Successful marketing in 2024 requires managing your reputation both online and off. This means a healthy mix of digital and traditional marketing channels. Whether you’re new to marketing or just need a fresh take on how to promote your plumbing business, we’ve got you covered!

These tips will help you grow your plumbing business, flush the competition, and build a stronger reputation for your brand.

Marketing ideas you can use to market your plumbing company

We’ve divided these invaluable plumbing marketing tips into topics. Scroll to read them all, or use a link below to jump to a topic that speaks to you.

Take your website to the next level

We don’t always think of websites as marketing tools, but oh, they are! With smartphones in nearly every American’s hand, having a website that accurately represents your brand is crucial to winning new leads.

1. Create a killer website

When someone needs a plumber, they usually need one fast. For many potential customers, that means grabbing their phone and searching nearby plumbers. So, it’s absolutely crucial that your website is mobile-friendly and displays right on phone screens of all sizes.

Even in non-emergency situations, people are searching on their cell phones. 60.28% of all online searches take place on mobile phones.1 Without good design, your visitors won’t be able to read or navigate your website. That means they’ll leave and click on another search result instead.

2. Infuse it with your brand

One of the secrets to building a business that stands out from competitors is to create a memorable brand. Use your brand colors and logo consistently everywhere. That goes for the trucks in your fleet, work shirts, ads, and every page of your website. Work with a designer to come up with an effective logo and easy-to-use web design that reflects your business and your brand.

Housecall Pro’s Logo Generator tool can help you create the perfect logo for your plumbing business. 

3. Write copy that converts

When potential customers visit your website, they’re already in the market for a plumber. They just haven’t decided which company to hire yet. Strong sales copy will turn your website into a lead-generating machine. It’s time to highlight the unique benefits of your business.

Write (or hire someone to help you write) copy that:

  • Creates interest by informing readers about your business and the services offered
  • Persuades them to choose your plumbing business by showing the benefits of working with your team vs. the competition
  • Drives action by encouraging the reader to contact you ASAP

Focus your messaging on why they should hire you and include a call-to-action that motivates them to pick up the phone or fill out your contact form. They’re looking for a reason to choose you. Give them a reason.

4. Use lead capture forms to turn traffic into customers

Placing a contact form on your website gives potential customers a convenient way to ask you questions. But wait, there’s more…

It also helps you capture sales leads by telling you exactly who is visiting your website. Make sure the form asks for a name, phone number, and email address so you can follow up.

5. Create location pages

If your service area covers several different cities or counties, consider creating separate pages on your website for each location. This can help your business rank for local search terms that potential customers are typing into Google.

Optimizing these pages for local keywords (like “Topeka plumber”) means your business is more likely to appear in search results, which will bring more local traffic to your website.

Boost online reputation and visibility

6. Generate local citations and mentions

A local citation is an instance of your company’s contact information online. The number of local citations you have impacts how well your website ranks in local search results, and how likely it is that potential customers will see and click on it. One way to build high-quality citations is to submit up-to-date business listings to trusted local directories. These include Angi, Google, Yelp, the BBB, and Bing.

List your business on review websites (like Google Reviews and Yelp). This not only boosts your online visibility, but it’s also a great way to build trust with potential customers. In fact, 93% of customers reported that online reviews about a business impacted their buying decision.2

You can now easily get more 5-star reviews with Housecall Pro’s automated review tool. Housecall Pro is the all-in-one tool to help you manage your plumbing business workflow, scheduling, invoices and marketing.

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Easily build your reputation with Housecall Pro’s review management software

8. Claim your Google Local profile

Make it as easy as possible for potential customers to find your business online. Start by claiming your Google Local profile. Once Google verifies that you’re the business owner, you can manage and update the information, pictures, and contact information that shows up in search results.

9. Clean up your UNAP data

Anywhere your business is referenced online, it’s important to make sure that the URL, name, address, and phone number (UNAP) are accurate and consistent. This includes citations in local directories, review sites, Google My Business page, your website, and even social media profiles. If your UNAP data is inconsistent, it’s harder for Google to verify the information and trust your business. And that’s bad, because you’ll struggle to rank in search results.

10. Create social media pages

Another way to build your online reputation is to create official social media pages for your business. If you’re just starting out, focus on platforms that most of your customers are already using, like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Remember to make sure your UNAP data is up-to-date and consistent across each of your pages, and include a link back to your website to help drive traffic. If you’re looking for some ideas, check out Housecall Pro on Facebook and YouTube for some inspiration!

Build connections on social media

11. Engage with customers

You may already be marketing with postcards. That’s great, but your new customer is streaming TV and browsing social media on the latest iPhone. Getting active on social media is an easy way to engage with potential customers directly, stay top-of-mind for past customers, and build name recognition for your brand. Keep in mind that it’s not enough to create business pages on social media. You need to use these platforms to interact with your community and potential customers.

12. Host a social media contest

Everybody loves a contest. It’s a fun way to connect with your audience online, and it’s easier to run on social media than you might think. You can contact household brands to find sponsors interested in donating a prize or offering discounted plumbing services to the winner. Come up with a branded hashtag that consumers must use to enter the contest, set a deadline for entries, and engage with everyone who participates to create even more buzz. 

13. Cross-post on different platforms

Have you got a great piece of content? Maybe it’s a photo, video, or blog post. Now you need to get as many eyeballs on it as possible. Share it across platforms and tailor the subject of the content to the audience.

For example, when you upload a picture to Instagram, you can cross-post it to Facebook and Twitter. You can reach a broader audience by sharing to multiple platforms at once. Facebook and Twitter are a little more text-focused than Instagram’s never-ending image results. When you do cross-post, don’t forget to tailor the text for Facebook and Twitter to really get the most value out of your content. Don’t forget to add hashtags, of course!

14. Use paid ads to increase reach 

Here’s a thought if it fits your budget. A little bit of ad spend on social media platforms can go a long way in finding new leads. Running ads on social channels like Facebook and Instagram allows you to reach more potential customers. Use the targeting features of the Meta platforms to make sure you reach the right audience for your business.

Stand out with attention grabbing headlines

15. Highlight your expertise with a blog

Add a blog to your website. That gives you a chance to educate consumers about plumbing and show off your industry expertise to potential customers. Regular blogging can play into a broader content marketing strategy that improves your online reputation.

Blogs also help websites rank for SEO terms. The more content you write, the more words Google has to match against its billions of daily searches. So, when a customer types a plumbing-related question into Google, they might stumble across your article addressing that very topic. And that will lead them to your website and increase the odds that they’ll hire you.

16. Create in-depth guides

When it comes to creating content for your website, shorter isn’t always better. If you’re an expert in a specific aspect of plumbing or have advice for homeowners undertaking renovations, you could create a more in-depth guide that customers can download from your website. 

17. Sell with video 

Video marketing is all the rage on social media these days—and for good reason. Video is a highly effective way to promote your business as it tends to grab and keep a viewer’s attention longer than pictures or text alone.

Start by creating a few how-to videos or demos of common jobs you do. Then publish those videos to your company’s YouTube channel, Facebook page, or Instagram (or all three). 

18. Experiment with live video

While you’ve got the camera rolling, why not try live streaming a video right to your audience? Facebook Live is a fun way to engage with your followers and provide a behind-the-scenes glimpse into the good work your team does.

The beauty of live video is that it doesn’t have to be scripted or polished. You can still use video as an opportunity for education and building trust, without worrying about editing clips together or getting the lighting perfect.

Make an amazing impression offline

19. Provide top-level customer service

As a small business owner, you know how important customer service is. But what you may not have considered is that going above and beyond for your customers is an effective form of marketing.

Aside from training your team to be friendly and patient with homeowners (especially in difficult situations), there are a few things you can do to improve your customer service. One simple solution is to follow up with customers after a job is done. Make sure they’re happy with the results. This might even remind them to give you a review online.

Measure customer satisfaction. You want to know how you’re doing! You can send out an email survey asking customers to rate their experience with your company. That way, you can reward employees who go out of their way to create positive experiences.

Housecall Pro can help you send out automated emails to customers after a job to help you drive repeat business and referrals.

20. Offer referral discounts

Word-of-mouth marketing is still the most cost-effective way to get a new customer. Happy customers who provide referrals are one of your most valuable marketing resources. So, when someone sends you referrals, show them how much you appreciate their support. Try sending personalized thank you notes with discounts for successful referrals. 

21. Strategically place business cards

Where do you display business cards? If they’re on a desk in your office, they’ll only be seen by people who already know about your business. Talk to other local businesses about creating a card-sharing program. Then you can promote each other’s companies to a new customer base (as long as they’re not in direct competition with you).

22. Send postcards directly in the mail

Direct mail marketing is an oldie but a goodie. Done right, this tried-and-true plumbing marketing tactic can help your business reach tons of local homeowners in your service area.

Direct mail definitely still works. It has an open rate of 90%. Compare that to the 23% open rate of email marketing. And the response rate to direct mail is as high as 37%.3 That’s a third of everyone who received it!

You could combine an eye-catching postcard with a professional coupon. Your direct mail piece might even earn a spot on a potential customer’s fridge next to the picture of the kids. 

23. Spend time in your community

Face-to-face networking is arguably the oldest marketing strategy in the book. It’s definitely the most time consuming, but it can get overlooked by business owners focused on digital channels.

Whether you introduce yourself in a local HOA meeting, host an event at your office, or make an appearance at an upcoming trade show, a little face time can go a long way towards building your reputation.

Level up your business with Housecall Pro

Looking for another way to gain a professional edge over the competition? Start using Housecall Pro’s all-in-one software to level up how you manage your plumbing business. From online booking, custom messaging, and scheduling to invoicing, payment processing, and marketing, our software is the easiest and most effective way to know and grow your business. Get the whole package or choose the level of help you need.